Gay Chandigarh

A blog by a gay guy in Chandigarh.

Location: India

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Tips on being gay and single in Chandigarh

After more than 2 years I finally thought of writing again. Don't think I am going to be a regular at it. Over the last few years I"ve met some great people here in Chandigarh. But I guess its the same story here for everyone I know. Most people would like to move out of this place as soon as possible. There are hardly any places to go, except for Down Under on a Saturday Night. That place is creepy to say the least. You might bump into a few people there but its hard to make out who is str8 and who is gay.

The other place to hook up is G4M/PR, you might find quite a few people. As long as you are open to meeting complete strangers. It can be daunting at first, but make sure you meet people in a public place. Its easier to get out of a messy situation, in case one arises.

You can also get to know a few pople from the Gay Chandigarh Orkut community.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

End of the road....

When I started with this blog I was thinking of so much to write. But by the end of the week I realized I did not have an exciting enough live to keep blogging about this subject.

In the last 2 years since I started this blog. Quite a lot seems to have happened but nothing worth writing, nothing exciting enough on this front that I could write about. I am still hopeful that I might get the instinct to write on this subject. Till I don't get it I will stick to things I know and can write about.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Being a gay guy in Chandigarh

Well since I saw no one writing about the gay life in Chandigarh I've thought of starting this blog. Not sure what I will write in here but lets see how this shapes up.

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